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Sunday School is back!

We had a great start back to Sunday School on Sunday 1st September with 13 children joining us and some for the first time!!

With that in mind, our first week of Sunday school was a bit of a ‘getting to know you’ day today. We learned about each other and how we’re all the same but different … just like apples! From the story of Samuel and David we learned that God doesn’t see just the outside like we do but He looks at our hearts. When we trust Him as Saviour He no longer sees a sin-filled heart but a clean forgiven heart. This makes us part of the ‘Big Family of God’ which was the title of our song for our first week!

Over the past few weeks we have been taking part in other lessons, crafts and songs which all focus on Jesus Christ and how we can and should trust Him as Lord and Saviour.

God is good.

New faces always welcome!!

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