We had a fantastic evening at BB!
We started with our Bible Lesson which involved a science experiment to remind us of how our sins can be forgiven and washed away through faith in Jesus Christ.
For our craft, we made a 'wordless book' which contains several colours:
Black - to remind us we are sinful. We've all done wrong.
Red - Jesus died on the cross for our sins.
White- when we place our trust in Jesus we can be saved (born again) and have our sins washed away.
Gold - with our sin forgiven, we have the assurance of enteral life and a home in Heaven.
We finished the evening by going outside to enjoy some star gazing with our compact telescopes. We spotted lots of stars and even some planets. We considered the vastness of the sky and how God is the ultimate creator of everything. We also thought about how God made the stars and knows them by name and how He also made us and knows us intimately.
Psalm 19: 1. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork