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Holiday Clubs 2024

Shotts EU Congregational and Paul's Parcels are delighted to be working with several partners this summer to produce 3 holiday clubs for children in Shotts this summer!


Each club is completely FREE including lunches, snacks and prizes!!  Not charge whatsoever!!


There are 3 clubs in total each with different themes.  Each club will include games, lessons, prizes, challenges and so much more!


Registration is essential as places are limited!!

Olympic Holiday Club @ Shotts Congregational


From Monday 8th July to Friday 12th our first club will run at Shotts EU Congregational Church!


The Theme is the Olympics and there will be lots of decorations relating to this theme as well as stories, challenges and prizes too!  Children will also learn about famous Scottish athlete Eric Liddell


This club will run from 12 - 2.30pm


Register by clicking below:



5 Day Club at Salsburgh

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Following the success of last year's club, we look forward to returning to Salsburgh from Monday 15th July to Friday 19th for our evening children's club which is organised in conjunction with a team from CEF.


There will be games, prizes, stories, memory verses and lots more!!


The picture states that the club will be on from 7pm - 8.30pm but the correct times for the club are 7pm - 8pm.


Register by clicking below:



The Mystery of the Wordless Book' Club with lego 
                               @Dykehead Mission Hall

Our second club will take place from Mon 15th July - Friday 19th July in Dykehead Mission Hall (entrance beside Aldos or the Post Office) from 12 - 2.30pm


This club is organised by CEF who are the team that often help with Children's Clubs at the Congregational Church.


The theme is 'the mystery of the worldless book' and the club will include all of the usual fun and games!  There is also a free lunch!



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Jungle Adventure Holiday Club @ Shotts EU Congregational

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Our final club is a Jungle Themed Club which is led by SU Scotland who are involved with several local schools.  They will lead the club with help from Shotts EU Congregational.


It will take place from Mon 5th August - Friday 9th August in Shotts Congregational Church and will run at an earlier time of 10.30am - 1pm.


The club will include all of the usual fun and games!  There is also a free lunch!





We are a friendly evangelical church, led by Rev Phil Geary seeking to reach out to the Shotts community with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Sunday Services 11.30am and all are very welcome!


​​You can find a helpful leaflet about our church HERE



Manse: 01501 229543

Rev. Phil Mobile - 07990336608






Shotts EU Congregational Church

22 Station Road




Charity Number - SC014231






If you would like to be kept informed about church events.





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